The Will to Live

I think it’s fair to say that we who take care of patients at the end of their lives have seen the “will to live” (or loss thereof) drastically affect the timing of a person’s death.

This review suggests the field remains in the early stages in terms of data quality. Definitely will be interesting to keep an eye on future studies.

Guild Update

Membership Drive

It’s that time of year when we ask for your continued support of the Guild. 

First and foremost, we ask for your prayers! 

Secondly, if you feel so called, we ask you to assist the Guild financially.  Truly, any and all support, no matter how “large” or “small,” is appreciated and will be put to good use.

This can be done in a number of ways, including:

Save the date – White Mass

October 18

Bishop Matano will be presiding at this year White Mass on October 18 at the Cathedral.  We will be sending a more formal invitation soon.

Save the date – Virtual Journal Club

November 18

Our first Virtual Journal Club on August 6 was a huge success! 

The next Virtual Journal Club will be on November 18 via Zoom, details coming soon!

Guild Partners and Resources

We’ve added a new Guild Partners and Resources page to our website.  Check it out!

Virtual Journal Club…Success!

Thank you to everyone how made last night’s Virtual Journal Club discussing NFP a resounding success! We two wonderful presenters (Felix Rodriguez and Anne Olek) and we were both blessed and humbled to be joined by the authors of the paper, Dr. Fehring and Dr. Manhart!

We had a great turnout and appreciate everyone’s engagement. Lots of insightful questions and discussion!

We are planning to host VJCs quarterly, so stay turned for us to announce the Fall/Winter date!

CMA Annual Educational Conference Goes Virtual!

2020 Annual Educational Conference

September 25-26, 2020

The Conference will be available live online as well as in-person (in San Diego). To sign up click here.

The theme of the conference is “Medicine’s Integrity: Reclaiming the Doctor-Patient Relationship”. Conference speakers will focus on national and cultural currents (Law, Humanities, Psychology, Theology, History) that might harm the doctor-patient relationship at the practical or personal level. How do we as Catholic physicians respond to these challenges (eg. physician assisted suicide, transgenderism, gender reassignment surgery, marijuana use, pornography, etc.) in a faithful, compassionate way?

Physicians, Heal Thyself – The Pulse of Catholic Medicine

By Cynthia Hunt, M.D.

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased stress tremendously for many physicians and health care providers in multiple ways that are unprecedented in volume and intensity. Considering 50% of physicians reported burnout prior to the pandemic, it is now increasingly important to follow the directive found in Luke 4:23, “Physicians, heal thyself.” This verse can be understood as a reminder to physicians to work on their own illnesses and weaknesses to be better able to help others.

Read the whole piece…

Cross-Guild Virtual Journal Club!

“The Finger Lakes Guild of Rochester, New York and the Palm Beach Physicians Guild of Florida are happy to announce an exciting new way to connect in these challenging times. Building on the successful initiative first launched in New York, the guilds are collaborating with the national CMA office to offer all guilds the new Virtual Journal Club…” continued


Natural Family Planning and Marital Chastity: The Effects of Periodic Abstinence on Marital Relationships
Journal: The Linacre Quarterly
Authors: Fehring, R. J., & Manhart, M. D. 

• Connect with fellow CMA members across the country
• Discuss timely topics relevant to living the Catholic faith while practicing in an increasingly secular world
• Inspire colleagues to join your local Guild and the CMA by “bringing” them along

Join us on August 6, 2020 at 7 p.m.

Thank you especially to St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry for making Virtual Journal Club available via Zoom!

CMA Call for 2021 Breakout Speaker Proposals

The CMA has put out a call for Breakout Speaker Proposals for the Annual Educational Meeting that will be held in Orlando, FL on October 7-9, 2021. The submission deadline is November 2, 2020 and while that seems like a long way out…these things do have a way of sneaking up on us!

So, if you’re interested check out the call for proposals and a very helpful video with some guidance here.

CMA Annual Meeting is Going Hybrid

The CMA has announced that due to COIVD-related travel restrictions they are transitioning the annual meeting to a hybrid in-person and virtual format.  Details are forthcoming.

While this is disappointing in many ways it also provides an opportunity for those who would have otherwise not been able to travel to San Diego to still take part!  Stay tuned for more info re: registration!

2020 Annual Educational Conference

Hybrid and Virtual Conference

Friday and Saturday

September 25 & 26, 2020

We may not all be able to meet in person this year but we can still connect virtually!