Novena Prayer for an end to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Never forget or doubt the power of prayer!
Please join us in this Novena!
Novena Prayer for an end to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Diocese of Syracuse, NY
O Mary, full of grace, Patroness of this nation and Mother of the Church, in this time of illness and worldwide need we seek your intercession for the human family before your Son’s throne of grace and mercy. We ask for strength in adversity, health in weakness, and comfort in sorrow. Help us, O Blessed Mother, to be filled with confidence and trust in the tender compassion of our God. Let us not be afraid, like our own Saint Marianne Cope, who entrusted her life and ministry among the outcasts of society into the care of our Divine Physician. Continue to watch over all who are sick as well as those who care for them and give wisdom to all who are seeking a cure.  We ask this through Christ, our Lord.  Amen.

Words of Hope – FLG President’s Note

19 March 2020
Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends

My wife and I were talking last night about…everything…and as often happens, she provided me with some excellent insights.  I’d like to share just a few thoughts today.

  1. Shortages.  The pandemic is causing a lot of stress and anxiety; I know I feel it daily.  A large part of my stress is related to those empty store shelves.  Last night I got to thinking about the things that are not in short supply, including: water, electricity, natural gas, gasoline, produce, and dairy products.  This is of course a partial list, but it really got me to thinking how fortunate we are to have such dedicated people working hard in the face of his pandemic to keep the water, trucks, gas, and electrons flowing!  Please join me in praying for them!
  2. Public Masses.  The suspension of public Masses has been a huge point of controversy.  I will leave the arguing to others.  I may be a little slow on this, but it finally dawned on me last night that while I would not choose this, it does present a wonderful opportunity for my family to grow closer together in our spiritual lives.  We already live our faith daily.  We pray together, etc…and…now that we are deprived of attending Holy Mass we can explore ways of compensating as best we can.  Things we are going to try/add include praying the Divine Office as a family, performing Acts of Spiritual Communion, praying more rosaries together (check out this challenge, BTW!), and I’m sure more will come to mind.
  3. Public Masses…me or God?  Don’t get me wrong, I will be very happy when I am again able to attend Holy Mass.  My distress over being unable to has, however, forced me to asking myself, “Am I upset about being unable to attend Mass because I’m going to miss it, or because I will be unable to participate, in person, with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass because God is Good?”  In other words: Is this about me or God?  Is my disappointment selfish?…yes (at least in part)…and I’m working to root that out!  Please pray for me in this effort!
  4. There’s Still a Lot of Good Out There.  I learned last night that Black Button Distilling, based here in Rochester, has committed to making ethanol-based hand sanitizer and providing it to healthcare organizations at cost.  This will be a wonderful service to our local community and it a great example of people coming together in a time of crisis.  Thank you to everyone who will have a hand in this, and a special thanks to Jason Barrett, Black Button’s President!

There is much more I could say, though I think Fr. Mike says much of it quite nicely.

Please join me in praying for an end to this pandemic.  And, in the meantime, let’s all work to keep ourselves, families, and neighbors physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy!

In Christ,
Tom Carroll
FLG President

Lifespan – Home Grocery Delivery

Lifespan, a wonderful organization in the Rochester area, is now offering delivery of groceries and medications to anyone in need over 60 years old.

If you or someone you know is in need of this you can contact them by calling 585-244-8400.

President’s Address – COVID-19

17 March 2020
Memorial of St. Patrick, bishop

Dear Friends,

As President of the Finger Lakes Guild and in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, I want you to know that the Guild is here to support our community however we are able.  I know that this is a stressful time for everyone, especially for those directly affected, their loved ones, and the members of their medical teams.  Please know that I, and my fellow Guild members, are praying for you!

As this pandemic evolves over the coming weeks and months I anticipate that questions will arise among faithful Catholics regarding any number of issues.  While I hope and pray that the “worst case scenario” does not come to pass, important questions regarding Church teaching may certainly come up, including the moral acceptability of a vaccine (that will hopefully(!) be developed) against COVID-19, morally licit distribution of scarce resources in the midst of a crisis, and the like.

The Guild encourages anyone with questions about these or other important topics to contact us here, reach out to your parish priest, the Catholic Medical Association, the National Catholic Bioethics Center, Catholic Answers, or any other reputable source of on the Catholic Church’s teachings.  Please remember that responsibly engaging in “social distancing” does not mean we are alone.  We must support each other…and…we always have recourse in prayer to our Savior, His Blessed Mother, and all the saints and angels for help!

As this crisis continues to progress it was with a heavy heart that I read yesterday of our Dioceses’ decision to suspend public Masses until further notice.  I know that this only adds to the burden we all already feel.  The the most Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is as close as we can come to Heaven this side of the veil and to have it unavailable at a time like this seems almost cruel.

Nevertheless, given the exponential rise of cases in our country, which is now beginning to affect our local community, I fully support Bishop Matano’s decision to suspend Masses and appreciate his leadership on this gravely important matter.  I also appreciate his reminder that this is a temporary suspension of public Masses and that the faithful should take heart in knowing that our faithful and holy priests will continue to celebrate private Masses for their scheduled intentions and for the current pandemic.

Please also keep in mind that individual churches are allowed to remain open for private prayer and that St. John of Rochester continues (as of the time of this writing) to offer Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration in their chapel.  You can check on the status of this wonderful offering via the live stream feed here.  Please remember that even in the absence of Holy Mass we can still encounter our Lord and Savior anytime in prayer, and in a special way in the Most Blessed Sacrament, whether in the monstrance or the tabernacle.

In closing, again, please know that the members of the Finger Lakes Guild are here to support our community.  We will continue to pray for you and we stand ready to care for any and all who fall ill in this time of crisis, whether of COVID-19 or any other ailment.  We ask that you pray for us and that God’s most Holy Will be done.

St. Patrick, PRAY FOR US!
Our Blessed Mother, Comfort of the Afflicted, PRAY FOR US!

In Christ,
Thomas Carroll, MD, PhD
President, Finger Lakes Guild of Rochester

Abortion in Gibraltar

From CMA’s Embers newsletter:

A CMA member shared that on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph,  Gibraltar, the last place in Europe that bans all abortions as criminal acts and which is 70% Catholic, will hold a referendum to allow for abortion in certain circumstances. We invite you to join us in a novena with this prayer to St. Joseph, dating from the early Church, beginning March 10:

“Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary of contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls – Pray for me (and that Gibralter continues to protect the unborn).”

National CMA Opportunities

If you’re a CMA member and would like to help expand the Finger Lakes Guild, please consider attending the Leadership Training Meeting, which will be held June 18-21, 2020 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) in Mundelein, Illinois.

Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp & Retreat

This is a wonderful offering and is open to medical students (current and accepted) as well as residents of any year.  Please click on the link above to learn more!