CMA Responds to AMA on Abortion

The Catholic Medical Association has issued a clear and compassionate response to the American Medical Association’s pro-abortion statement.  A brief sample:


“An authentic and patient-centered practice of medicine has always and should always recognize the intrinsic value of human life in the mother’s womb,” said Dr. Greg Burke, Co-Chair of CMA’s Ethics Committee.

“As a medical organization that claims to represent the physicians of this country, how far away from the Hippocratic oath has the AMA deviated to say that dismembering a baby in the second trimester of pregnancy is healthcare?”

Click here for the entire response from the CMA.




White Mass

The White Mass today was wonderful!

Thank you to Bishop Matano for celebrating Mass and supporting the Guild!

Thank you also to the St. Louis parish for hosting and providing food!


Keeping Our Gaze on Christ as His Faithful Church

Christ’s Church has always faced challenges in our fallen world.  Our generation has found itself in the midst of the clergy abuse scandal, which poses a serious challenge to the Church’s moral standing in the public square and is causing some to leave the Church.

It is up to us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in articulating the Church’s beliefs and doing what we can to heal these terrible wounds inflicted on the Body of Christ.  Please consider joining us as we lend our support to the Catholic Moms of Rochester who are presenting what promises to be a very informative and inspiring program on November 9, 9am to noon, at St. Patrick’s Church in Victor.

What blessing to have the opportunity to hear two great speakers and then spend time in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament!  Please do join us!

If you would like to attend, please register via email at

Keeping our gaze on Christ

Journal Club Last Night

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our quarterly Journal Club yesterday evening!

We had a great turnout with wide-ranging and inspiring discussion about the technocratic influences in medicine and our society in general.

Ultimately we agree that we can perhaps occasionally fight the ‘big fight’ against such dehumanizing forces…and…we must never lose sight of the ways in which we can, in our everyday lives, intentionally maintain/restore human connections.

Again, thank you to everyone who was able to make it last night. We will be announcing our next Journal Club date and topic soon, so stay tuned!

Respect Life Month @ St. Stan’s

October is Respect Life Month (in addition to being the month of the Rosary), so please consider taking advantage of talks taking place at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church!  See the flyer below, and note that the speaker on 10/28 is our very own Guild President!

Respect Life Month at St Stans (2019)

Panel on Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is increasingly being recognized as not just a problem in some distant land, but rather right in our own community.  This terrible and under-recognized exploitation of our neighbors, and fellow human beings, cries out for justice.

Please join the Finger Lakes Guild, UR Newman, and The Cathedral Community for:

Human Trafficking: A Panel Discussion on Monday, 11/4, from 7-9pm at the Interfaith Chapel at the U of R

Please contact us at with any questions

Human Trafficking

Remembering 9/11

Please join us in praying for the victims and perpetrators of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. 

Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us!

Members’ Mass, Board Meeting, & Happy Hour

Members’ FLG Board Meeting

Come celebrate The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary with our first ever Members’ Board Meeting on December 9th at St. Bernard’s!  Since December 8th is a Sunday this year this is not a Holy Day of Obligation, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate it!

Fr. Mitch Zygadlo will be our celebrant and Fr. Juan Benitez will be providing piano accompaniment for Mass.

This event is open to anyone who would like to learn more about the Finger Lakes Guild.  If you’re not a member yet, feel free to sign up here (or you can also sign up after Mass).  We hope to see you there!

Schedule for the evening:

  • 6:30-7pm – Mass in the St. Bernard’s Chapel
  • 7-8pm – Open Board Meeting
  • 8-9pm – Happy Hour

Creighton Model Introductory Session

Tuesday, September 1, at St. Bernard’s, 120 French Road, Rochester, NY.  

This is the first of nine classes providing instruction about the natural method of fertility care referred to the as the Creighton Model. Dates include September 17, October 15, November 12, January 7, February 4, March 10, April 7, May TBA, June, TBA.

A 2019 participant in the Creighton Model Fertility Care Practitioner Internship program recently released a video discussing some aspects of this natural method of family planning.  The video may be viewed at

To Register: call Anne Olek RN, FNP-BC 585-310-8305.