NCBC and St. Bernard’s – New Collaboration
We are happy to help spread the word about this new and very exciting collaboration between the
National Catholic Bioethics Center
St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry!
Click here for all of the details!
NCBC Webinar: Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health – What It Says, What It Means
Please consider joining the NCBC for a free webinar this Thursday (7/7) @ 11am (ET)!

Roe Overturned…and…
We give thanks to God that the evil of Roe has been overturned.
…and…sadly, we cannot assume that the Pro-Abortion Culture of Death will take this decision with civility.
Please be careful out there…

Roe Overturned!
Happy News from Henrietta
Henrietta board denies application for Planned Parenthood on Jefferson Rd.
Thank you to everyone who made their voices heard at the Board meeting in support of life!
WHO Pushes Abortion…Some More
Legalizing Drugs
Announcing New FLG Officers!
It is with great excitement that we would like to announce the new Finger Lakes Guild Officers!
President – Angela Kristan, MD, MTS
Vice President – Bryan Stanistreet, MD
Treasurer – Alison Carroll, DO will continue in this role
Immediate Past President – Thomas Carroll, MD, PhD will move into this role to assist in a smooth leadership transition.
Thank you to our Officers, Board Members, and Guild Members for all of your hard work and dedication, especially over these past few challenging years!
We look forward to continuing our service to the Rochester Diocese.
St. Basil the Great, Pray for Us!