National CMA Opportunities

If you’re a CMA member and would like to help expand the Finger Lakes Guild, please consider attending the Leadership Training Meeting, which will be held June 18-21, 2020 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Mundelein Seminary) in Mundelein, Illinois.

Medical Student and Resident Boot Camp & Retreat

This is a wonderful offering and is open to medical students (current and accepted) as well as residents of any year.  Please click on the link above to learn more!

Catholics @ URMC 2020

We are excited to kick off 2020 by restarting our Catholics @ URMC meetings!

Catholics @ URMC is a collaboration between the UR Newman Center and the Finger Lakes Guild that aims to bring together Catholics, and non-Catholics, to provide mutual support for those working in the health professions.
We are planning to meet monthly at noon. We will open by praying Sext (the Midday prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours) and then have an open discussion about either a preselected topic or whatever may be on the minds and hearts of those in attendance.
Meeting Schedule:
  • January 7th
  • February 20th
  • March 2nd
  • April 1st

We will meet in the back right section of the Strong Hospital Cafeteria from 12:10 to 12:50pm each of these days. 

If you are not familiar with the Liturgy of the Hours fear not, you are not alone! It’s quite easy using the iBreviary app and we’ll all walk through it together.

Members’ Mass, Board Meeting & Reception

Thank you to everyone who joined us last night for our first ever Members’ Mass, Board Meeting, & Reception!  It was great to see some of our Guild members and meet some new folks as well!

A special thank you also goes out to Fr. Mitch, Fr. Juan (on the piano!), and Deacon Mike for a beautiful Mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception!


Wine Tasting

Thank you to Dr. Seeger and his lovely wife Cathy for opening their home to us! A wonderful time was had by all and we very much enjoyed getting to know some of our first year U of R medical students!


Journal Club 1/16/20 – Update

The Guild’s next Journal Club will be on January 16, 2020 at St. Bernard’s from 7 to 8:30pm.

The session will be led by Dr. Ontiveros, who one of our dedicated Board members (you can check out the cool stuff he does for his day job here).

Dr. Ontiveros will be leading the discussion on:

Organ Donation and Declaration of Death: Combined Neurologic and Cardiopulmonary Standards by Doran and Vukov, which is from the most recent edition of the Linacre.

Please contact us here and we will be happy to send you a PDF of the article before the meeting.

Please feel free to join us for what promises to be an interesting discussion whether or not you are able to review the article beforehand!

Remote Video Conference Option

If you are not able to join us in person, please consider joining via video conference.  This will be hosted via Zoom with the following connection methods:

iPhone one-tap: (US Toll): +16468769923,,803588247# or +16699006833,,803588247#
Meeting URL:
Join by Telephone
Dial: +1 646 876 9923 (US Toll)
+1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 803 588 247