Thank you to the CMA for supporting the Virtual Journal Club!

We had a great turnout last night for our 2nd Virtual Journal Club! Thank you to everyone who joined us. The discussion was lively and very informative.
Here are some pics from the VJC!
Stay tuned, we’ll be announcing details for our next VJC soon!
I hope you see you at our Virtual Journal Club tonight, see details here.
Here is a list of references from tonight’s presentation
•Population prevalence of Down syndrome in England & Wales in 2011
•Perinatal Hospice – AAPLOG
•Formal and Material Cooperation, Ethics & Medics, June 1995
•Scandal definition
•Catholic Encyclopedia – Scandal
•Eugenic Abortion in Iceland
•Prenatal screening test characteristics
•What Are Women Told When Requesting Family Planning Services at Clinics Associated with Catholic Hospitals? A Mystery Caller Study
•Dear mom with a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis
It’s that time of year when we ask for your continued support of the Guild.
First and foremost, we ask for your prayers!
Secondly, if you feel so called, we ask you to assist the Guild financially. Truly, any and all support, no matter how “large” or “small,” is appreciated and will be put to good use.
This can be done in a number of ways, including:
October 18
Bishop Matano will be presiding at this year White Mass on October 18 at the Cathedral. We will be sending a more formal invitation soon.
November 18
Our first Virtual Journal Club on August 6 was a huge success!
The next Virtual Journal Club will be on November 18 via Zoom, details coming soon!
Guild Partners and Resources
We’ve added a new Guild Partners and Resources page to our website. Check it out!
Thank you to everyone how made last night’s Virtual Journal Club discussing NFP a resounding success! We two wonderful presenters (Felix Rodriguez and Anne Olek) and we were both blessed and humbled to be joined by the authors of the paper, Dr. Fehring and Dr. Manhart!
We had a great turnout and appreciate everyone’s engagement. Lots of insightful questions and discussion!
We are planning to host VJCs quarterly, so stay turned for us to announce the Fall/Winter date!