Mt. Carmel House

Thank you to the Catholic Courier for their article highlighting the wonderful work being done by Mt. Carmel House! The volunteers and staff are truly doing God’s work, caring for the dying.

If you are looking to volunteer with a worthy organization, give them a call!

Catholic Conversations – Death with True Dignity

January 15, 2022 from 8:30am to 1pm

We are excited to announce that, in cooperation with Mt. Carmel House, St. Bernard’s and the Diocese of Rochester, the Symposium has been resuscitated!

COVID-permitting we will offer an in-person option, though either way, the Symposium will be available via Zoom.

We welcome you would like to join in-person (COVID permitting) or virtually! Please register here!

We will address important topics and questions around common and challenging end of life issues, including…

  • Why does the Church teach that? (Foundations of Catholic Teaching)
  • Does Hospice mean I’m giving up?
  • I don’t need a Health Care Proxy because my wife will make decisions if I can’t.
  • I don’t want Hospice because they’re going to kill me with morphine!
  • But if I start the feeding tube, then the Church says I can never stop it…right?

…and many more…