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End of Life Symposium…RESUSCITATED!!
The Finger Lakes Guild Presents…
Catholic Conversations – Death with True Dignity
January 15, 2022 from 8:30am to 1pm
We are excited to announce that, in cooperation with Mt. Carmel House, St. Bernard’s and the Diocese of Rochester, the Symposium has been resuscitated!
COVID-permitting we will offer an in-person option, though either way, the Symposium will be available via Zoom.
We will address important topics and questions around common and challenging end of life issues, including…
- Why does the Church teach that? (Foundations of Catholic Teaching)
- Does Hospice mean I’m giving up?
- I don’t need a Health Care Proxy because my wife will make decisions if I can’t.
- I don’t want Hospice because they’re going to kill me with morphine!
- But if I start the feeding tube, then the Church says I can never stop it…right?
…and many more…
Stay tuned for more details to come!
U of R Welcome Back Mass
Please join us this Sunday (8/25) for 10:30am Mass at the Interfaith Chapel at U of R!
A picnic, co-sponsored by the Newman Community and the Guild, will immediately follow Mass.
This is a great opportunity to share worship, fellowship, and food with U of R students (undergrad, medical, and graduate), faculty, staff, local physicians and the community at large.
Theology of the Body Event at St. Bernard’s!
From Dr. Kuhner
I am excited to invite you to a unique event for teens and parents on the topic of Theology of the Body and Fertility Awareness, taking place at Saint Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry! Recognizing the ever-increasing challenges posed by cultural trends, a highly qualified team of medical professionals and catechetical leaders will provide an evening of education and discussion, firmly grounded in the teachings of the Catholic Church, that will explore the significance of our sexuality within God’s plan and what it means to live free and healthy lives with regard to our sexuality and fertility.
Who: Fr. Peter Van Lieshout (Pastor, St. Peter’s Parish)
Mrs. Rebecca Mitrousis (Youth Minister, Church of the Holy Spirit, Penfield)
Mr. David Klosterman (Catholic School Teacher)
Dr. Angela Kristan (University of Rochester Medical Center)
Mrs. Anne Olek, (Family Nurse Practitioner and Creighton Model FertilityCare Practitioner and Educator)
Dr. Paul Carpenter (Medical Director, Gianna Center of Long Island for Women’s Health & Fertility at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center of Catholic Health Services)
Mrs. Jaqueline Tomko (Board Certified Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner)
When: Friday, April 26th, 6-9pm
Where: St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry, 120 French Road, Rochester, NY
The speakers will address the following questions (and many others):
- What is the relationship between sexuality and the sacred?
- Why did God create us as body and soul?
- What does it mean to live a healthy life with regard to sexuality?
- How do nutrition and lifestyle affect my body and my fertility?
- How can learning about how my body and my fertility work help my overall health?
The event will include a taco dinner. There will be a $10 fee per family, to cover the cost of food and speakers.
Please register online before April 24th via the following link:
Catholic Courier video post of recent Shroud of Turin discussion
Catholic Perspectives on Modern Day Health Care
Thank you to everyone who made today’s conference a success!
Medical Student and Resident Bootcamp
Are you a Medical Student or Resident looking to deepen your understanding of how your Catholic Faith can guide you in your personal and professional journey as a Physician? Do you wonder how to respond to the challenges extended by your colleagues when the subject of the sanctity of human life is broached?
If so, perhaps we should ship you off to Boot Camp! No, we are not referring to a months long endless program of pushups and 10 mile long runs wearing a 40 pound backpack. We are referring to a one week long program sponsored by the Catholic Medical Association.
The goals are to assist Catholic medical students to:
- More fully live and understand the Catholic faith and moral tradition in order to thrive as faithful Catholic physicians.
- Develop skills to help organize Catholic support groups within medical schools and residency programs.
- Evangelize Catholics and non-Catholics encountered throughout medical training.
The 2018 Boot Camp is scheduled for June 18-24 in Mundelein, Illinois. The Finger Lakes Guild will be proud to sponsor a Medical Student or Resident, so there will be no cost to attend.
Check out more about the Boot Camp by visiting the website of the CMA at If you are interested, be sure to contact the Guild. You may use this contact form:
Boot Camp. A great chance to get into awesome (spiritual) conditioning!
Physician Assisted Suicide in New York State
Please plan on attending!
Dr. Thomas Carroll
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 from 7-8:30 pm
St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry
120 French Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
Talk on Euthanasia – 3 August 2017
Please plan on attending a talk on euthanasia by Peter Colosi on 3 August 2017 from 7-8:30 pm at St. John of Rochester in Fairport.
An evening of sharing and reflection on medical missions
Thursday, 25 May 2017
7-8:30 PM
St. Bernard’s School of Theology
120 French Rd, Rochester, NY 14618
Speaker Panel:
Father Robert Ring, Chaplain, Finger Lakes Guild
Ellen Dailor, MD, Vice President, Finger Lakes Guild
Richard Seeger, MD, President, Finger Lakes Guild
Students and residents are especially welcome!
Refreshments and reception will follow the talk.
This event is free of charge.