Catholic Women Physicians’ Retreat

The registration for the Catholic Women Physicians Retreat of March 2017 is now open! Attached please find the registration form, which you can print off and mail in, or complete on-line and send by email.

This is our SIXTH annual retreat, and I am very excited about having Father James Brent, OP, as our retreat master. He is planning an outstanding retreat for you. Father’s retreat will have a focus on Our Lady, and how with her help we can grow in closer union to her Son, and so live out our call to holiness in the world.

This couldn’t be more perfect for Catholic women physicians — in practice or retired! And the days of the retreat are in Lent, but include the Solemnity of the Annunciation. The Lord has thought of everything!

And so now He is thinking about having you join Him…..

The registration fee is $280. If you are a resident, and need some financial help, let me know and we can help. And we will also include second-semester fourth-year medical students (if you know of any!).

Please arrive at Bethany between 1:30 and 4:00 pm on Thursday, March 23 (so flights to Nashville should arrive no later than 3:00 pm). On Sunday, March 26, please plan for flights at 3:30 pm or later.

We will of course have adoration and silence as well as fellowship and great food.

In case you didn’t see it, I’m attaching Kathy Raviele’s article from “The Pulse” about the retreat.

We will take registrations on a first-come basis. We have 42 rooms available, 16 of those with private bathrooms.
I am looking forward to seeing familiar faces as well as new retreatants (who have been asking about when the next retreat would be!).

God bless you.

Sister Mary Diana Dreger, OP, MD

2017 CWP registration form

CWP Retreat Pulse Article

2016 White Mass

A number of members of the Finger Lakes Guild were able to attend the White Mass celebrated this past October in Washington, D.C. during the annual meeting of the Catholic Medical Association (do you recognize anyone in the front row?). The Mass was celebrated at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the largest Church in North America. This magnificent celebration was magnified by the incredibly beautiful surroundings and music. Our hearts were collectively stirred as we celebrated the Eucharist together with so many of our dedicated, Catholic colleagues.

In turn, the Finger Lakes Guild sponsored the White Mass here in Rochester in early November. Bishop Matano celebrated Mass for the some 100 people in attendance. His Homily was direct and most inspiring, recognizing the challenging culture we live and work in, yet supporting us in our moral endeavors. The Bishop also gave a special blessing for the new officers.  The White Mass was followed by a pleasant brunch reception. We were thrilled that Bishop Matano and Father White were able to spend so much time with us relaxing and enjoying the delicious food. It was especially appreciated that so many medical students and residents were able to attend as well.

A special thanks to the St. Anne community for hosting us in their beautiful Church, with such excellent music, and allowing us to have access to their reception hall. Let me recognize Jann Armantrout, in particular, for her invaluable assistance in planning and running this special event.

2nd Annual Diocese of Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference

The Finger Lakes Guild was pleased to be an exhibitor at the 2nd Annual Diocese of Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference on October 1, 2016. We received many visitors that day, including Residents and Fellows of the University of Rochester Medical Center as well as Physician Assistants and other Health Care practitioners. They were all interested to learn of the Guild’s presence in our community and expressed interest in becoming active members. The Conference was a dynamic event attended by some 600 men. The Guild was proud to be a supporter of such an uplifting event. Look for us at the upcoming Diocese of Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference in Spring 2017!

FLG Table
Finger Lakes Guild president Richard Seeger, M.D. at the 2nd Annual Diocese of Rochester Catholic Men’s Conference

2016 Mid Year meeting of the CMA

I was privileged to be able to attend the 2016 Mid Year meeting of the Catholic Medical Association last month in Mundelein, Illinois. A full schedule of meetings, daily Mass and social gatherings made the 3 days pass quite quickly.

A major focus of the meeting was developing the communication skills of those in attendance. Workshops were offered in public speaking and web site development. Other speakers modeled optimal interaction with political leadership. We heard several presentations from successful Guild chapters, demonstrating strategies to grow a healthy Guild chapter at home. Sr. Mary Diana Dreger, OP, MD gave an excellent talk entitled, “Conscience: At the End of the Day”, which explored the practice of Medicine as a moral endeavor.

Our Chaplain, Father Matthew Gutowski was in attendance throughout, saying daily Mass and offering evening spiritual reflections. Participating in such a faith filled environment was a great comfort.

Meals and session breaks provided opportunities to get to know the other members of the CMA from around the country. I was especially pleased to meet the current Presidents of the Buffalo and Syracuse Guilds. There is potential to work together on issues affecting our State and even cosponsored events. On Saturday evening we saw a screening of a new documentary, “Hush”, which explored the strong connection between pregnancy termination and breast cancer. It was an enlightening film, and remarkable as it was written by a pro-choice individual.

The CMA is holding their annual meeting this October in Washington, D.C. I know many of our local Guild members will be in attendance. Perhaps you can break away for a few days to attend as well. I am confident you will find it to be most rewarding.

Rochester Catholic Women’s Conference

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Love One Another
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Aquinas Institute, Rochester, NY
Doors open at 7 AM, Mass at 8

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