Stand Together for Life, Saturday September 25 from 9:45 to 11:00 AM (Rosary at 9:15) at Planned Parenthood, 114 University Ave. Featured speaker will be Deacon Mike Kristan talking about how Planned Parenthood enables human trafficking.
Diocesan Pro-Life Mass, Sunday October 3, 11:15 AM @ Sacred Heart Cathedral, 296 Flower City Park, Rochester, NY, 14615.
We hope that, at worst, the new Pfizer and BioNTech’s mRNA influenza vaccines will, like COVID-19 vaccine, utilize morally compromised cell lines only in the confirmatory lab testing phase, and not in Design & Development or Production. Regardless, this is the time for each of us make our voices heard. Please reach out in writing and/or by phone to any and all of the groups listed below to let them know that morally-acceptable vaccines, in addition to be the right thing to do, will be the most commercially successful as well!
Remember…while the Holy Father, through the CDF, and our Bishops (along with others) have been clear that while we are able to accept the currently-available COVID-19 vaccines with a clear conscience, we are also obligated to both avoid scandal and advocate for the development of vaccines that are developed in morally acceptable ways. The advocacy can take many forms, including…
Thanking companies that are developing morally acceptable vaccines including Sanofi Pasture (Human Life Action provides a convenient contact template for Sanofi specifically) and urging them, if they were to create future morally acceptable vaccines.
Urging companies that are almost there with COVID-19 vaccine to switch utilize fully morally acceptable vaccine development processes in the future. You can contact Pfizer here and Moderna here.
The USCCB has sample letters to vaccine-producing companies urging them to produce morally acceptable vaccines
Charitably admonishing companies that are notalmost there (i.e., developing very morally problematic vaccines) to change course. AstraZeneca is the company closest to getting a severely morally problematic vaccine approved and can be contacted here.
This is also an excellent opportunity to plug the NCBC’s outstanding consultation service. If ever you face an ethically challenging situation in the world of healthcare (whether as a healthcare professional or as a patient) they have a variety of ways to get help. Check them out here!
The Ethics & Public Policy Center has released this statement with their opinion on the moral acceptability of COVID vaccines from a pro-life perspective. We are not endorsing, or rejecting, their opinion, only sharing.
We are very excited to share the happy news that the long-awaited Mobile Ultrasound Van is slated to be rolled out in Rochester this spring! The van will spend most of its time stationed near Planned Parenthood.
The success rates of these vans in helping women choose life is staggering! Please let us know if you would like to know more about this wonderful addition to the local Pro-Life movement.
There is a need for technicians who can perform and read ultrasounds. If you or someone you know might be interested in filling this role, please let us know and we’ll pass you name along!
Please also see below for encouraging and inspiring stories of lives saved…
Sadly, the unborn are likely to be ever more in the crosshairs in the coming years and so it is only that much more important to support and protect them in any way we can.
Please consider joining virtual March for Life this Friday, January 29, beginning at 11am (ET).