Lawsuit Challenging NY’s Reproductive Health Act

Congratulations to Feminists Choosing Life of New York for their filing of a class-action lawsuit challenging the so-called Reproductive Health Act!

This is a vitally important move to protect both pre-born babies and their mothers from violence.

Please take a moment to visit the Feminists Choosing Life of New York website. If you feel called to do so, please also prayerfully consider donating in support of their efforts.

Virtual Journal Club…Success!

Thank you to everyone how made last night’s Virtual Journal Club discussing NFP a resounding success! We two wonderful presenters (Felix Rodriguez and Anne Olek) and we were both blessed and humbled to be joined by the authors of the paper, Dr. Fehring and Dr. Manhart!

We had a great turnout and appreciate everyone’s engagement. Lots of insightful questions and discussion!

We are planning to host VJCs quarterly, so stay turned for us to announce the Fall/Winter date!

CMA Responds to AMA on Abortion

The Catholic Medical Association has issued a clear and compassionate response to the American Medical Association’s pro-abortion statement.  A brief sample:


“An authentic and patient-centered practice of medicine has always and should always recognize the intrinsic value of human life in the mother’s womb,” said Dr. Greg Burke, Co-Chair of CMA’s Ethics Committee.

“As a medical organization that claims to represent the physicians of this country, how far away from the Hippocratic oath has the AMA deviated to say that dismembering a baby in the second trimester of pregnancy is healthcare?”

Click here for the entire response from the CMA.




Respect Life Month @ St. Stan’s

October is Respect Life Month (in addition to being the month of the Rosary), so please consider taking advantage of talks taking place at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church!  See the flyer below, and note that the speaker on 10/28 is our very own Guild President!

Respect Life Month at St Stans (2019)