Please take a moment to review the important issues raised by the So-Called Equal Rights Amendment Proposal One

Please take a moment to review the important issues raised by the So-Called Equal Rights Amendment Proposal One
If true, and we pray it is(!), this is the answer the literally billions of prayers uttered in defense of life over the past 49 years.
Please keep in mind both that this is a leaked story and may or may not prove to be true…and…sadly, for all but about 13 states this decision will have no immediate effect, especially here in NY given the extreme laws passed over the years.
We will continuing to pray for Pro-Life victories, large and small!
We would also be remiss if we did not point to the fact that abortion is a significant part of the spiritual battle being waged by Satan against God and his Church.
“Abortion is the Antichrist’s demonic parody of the Eucharist. That is why it uses the same holy words, ‘This is my body,’ with the blasphemously opposite meaning.” – Peter Kreeft
Congratulations to Feminists Choosing Life of New York for their filing of a class-action lawsuit challenging the so-called Reproductive Health Act!
This is a vitally important move to protect both pre-born babies and their mothers from violence.
Please take a moment to visit the Feminists Choosing Life of New York website. If you feel called to do so, please also prayerfully consider donating in support of their efforts.