Death with True Dignity – January 15, 2022
Videos of each talk are available here:
Opening Remarks by Fr. Jack Healy
Catholic End of Life Teaching by Fr. David Tedesche
Advance Directives by Dr. Thomas Carroll
Pain and Symptom Control by Dr. Thomas Carroll
Hospice and Comfort Care Homes by Fr. Jack Healy and Tracey Jagla
Thank you to everyone who made our inaugural Catholic Conversations conference a huge success! Thank you to the Planning Committee, Mt. Carmel House, and St. Bernard’s…and…most of all, THANK YOU to everyone who took time out of their (frigid) Saturday morning to be with us via Zoom!

Please visit our cosponsors!
Catholic End of Life Teaching – The Basics
- End of Life Decisions: Ordinary versus Extraordinary Means from EWTN
- Principle of Double Effect from Catholic Answers
Advance Directives
- Now And At The Hour Of Our Death (Versión en Español) – Catholic Health Care Proxy and Living Will
- National Catholic Bioethics CenterCatholic-Friendly POLST (equivalent to the NYS MOLST) with helpful discussion and guidance here.
- End of Life Guide (for purchase)